LENSai BioIntelligence Suite

Immunogenicity Screening

Boost your clinical strategy: in silico screening helps mitigate risks, enhance efficacy, and reduce time/costs

LENSai™ Integrated Intelligence Technology — an innovative platform leveraging advanced AI capabilities to deliver unparalleled protein analysis and lightning-fast immunogenicity screening. Powered by BioStrand’s proprietary HYFT® technology, LENSai Immunogenicity calculation combines HLA II binding and human proteome presence for comprehensive risk assessment.

Designed for clinical pathway success

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High-throughput analysis

Built for high volume
Virtually limitless quantity can be screened, compared and ranked
Flexible implementation
Ability to integrate in your own pipelines and workflows
Optimize derisking
Pairing with humanization: designed to derisk and advance the best candidate

In-depth profiling

Built for insight
• Detailed linkage between clone and target
• Geno- and phenotype binding distribution mapped to target indication profile

Connecting target, lead and clinical events
MHCII allele phenotypes and genotypes associated with clinical events


Key benefits

Avoid costly transgenics:

Advance highly diverse candidate pools while reducing costs

Satisfy requirements:

EMA and FDA recommends documented immunogenicity screening for increasing clinical success*

Versatile use:

Works with all antibody (Ab) formats. Analyze large pools at an early stage (e.g. enrich repertoires) or refine later stage candidate selection

Optimize workflows:

Enhance decision-making in engineering, such as the humanization stage, to optimize high-throughput screening and mitigate risks in clinical development

Optimal insights. Optimal candidates.

Immune responses against monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can neutralize their therapeutic effects, rendering them less effective or completely ineffective over time. By employing high‑throughput screening for immunogenicity paired with humanization, researchers can select mAbs with lower immunogenic potential, thereby maximizing their therapeutic efficacy.

Maximize therapeutic benefits

Reference your antibodies against a database of all therapeutic antibodies

Data reference sources: Therapeutic structural Ab database VH/VL format (n≈2000), VHH library, bispecific library, and general proteins. Right figure: Parsed based on nomenclature (n ≈ 260)

Delivering multi-level analyses and comprehensive reporting

Immunogenic zones per sequence
Normalized score showing immunogenicity hotspots by combining HYFT Universal Fingerprint proteome screening and HLA II binding scores.
Dark Blue = 0 = low immunogenic potential
Dark Red = 100 = highest immunogenic potential

Immunogenicity heatmap
Get insights in potential immunogenicity risks introduced by engineering

Example bispecific formulation: BsAb VL1-VH1-VH2-VL2

Benchmark_BiAb_1_heatmap_cropped (1)-1

Connecting target-specific knowledge to lead specific MHCII binding and clinical events



Case Studies


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